Escape Artist

Maya - Houdini - Substance Suite - Redshift - Karma - After Effects - Nuke - Premiere Pro - Photoshop -

Maya - Houdini - Substance Suite - Redshift - Karma - After Effects - Nuke - Premiere Pro - Photoshop -

My Capstone Project at USC for my Bachelor’s in Animation and Digital Arts. This short film is about creativity, art ownership, A.I, and queer identity.

Logline: Kubus Bots traverse the galaxy pillaging civilizations of their creative energy, but interacting with the Artos civilization they discover they can’t capture or control everyone…


Main Characters

This is the main protagonist, Hue. He’s been given the moniker “SCB102” by the Kubus bots. Although trapped on the Kubus Ship, Hue is on the run from the Kubus. Being of the Artos species, Hue has the special ability to harness creative energy and utilizes it to aid his attempt at escape.

Hue / “SCB102”

This is the main antagonist, the Kubus Bot. Loyal only to his own, this bot is part of a large hivemind that resides on a massive spaceship known as The Kubus. Many of them are currently occupied encapturing Arto’s residents and harvesting their creative energy, but a few are still on the lookout for SCB102.

Kubus Bot

Main Environments

Arrival Hall and “CDD” (Creativity Drainage Device)


Factory Floor



